Fly a Kite

Fly a Kite


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Flying a kite is a simple and fun way to spend an afternoon.

Getting outside is always nice - it’s a great way to destress from our lives where we’re stuck inside behind electronics for large portions of our day. Kids and adults alike need a bit of fresh air every now and again. With being stuck inside so much over the past year, finding outdoor activities that can be done by yourself or family without a lot of interaction is a great way to actually get outside and have a fun time.

Flying a kite is such an activity, and it’s a pretty simple one at that. You only need a kite to enjoy this activity as well as a bit of open space. Flying a kite is a great option because it allows you to go to locations where others are not at, and where they may not normally be. While playgrounds are fun, they’ve also had a lot of other kids on them that have touched and coughed all over them.

In order to fly a kite, you’ll also need a little bit of wind, two people (ideally) and a lot of energy to run and get that kite up. Depending on how much wind you have, getting a kite flying can be relatively easy or quite difficult. If you can wait for a day with a little more wind, it may behoove you to do so. If you’d prefer that your kid get some more physical activity in, then get out when there’s less wind.

Getting a kite up generally requires that one person holds the kite string while the other holds the kite. The person holding the kite will throw the kite into the air while the person with the kite string moves away from the kite. As the kite rises into the air, letting the string out will allow the kite to fly higher in the air.

Actually getting a kite into the air is usually more frustrating than the above. As previously mentioned, the more wind, the easier it will usually be to get a kite up in the air. What usually happens when flying a kite is that the person holding the string is running around trying to get the kite up in the air while the kite itself is dragging and bouncing along the ground. You’ve likely seen or experienced this yourself on a number of occasions.

Just because getting a kite in the air can take some work doesn’t mean it’s not fun. Just be prepared to do some running around, and don’t get upset if you can’t get the kite very high. Kids still enjoy flying kites regardless of how high they get in the air. Do avoid trees and other kites though when trying to fly a kite as untangling the kite string from those items takes a lot more patience as well.

In terms of which kite you want to get, there are plenty of options. The cheapest of kites don’t fly well at all, so we’d recommend you avoid them as much as you can - those are kites that are made from basic plastic poles and a fake and poor plastic kite itself. They’re certainly cheap though, so if you don’t think you’re going to have much luck, or just want something quickly, then they should be good enough.

We’d recommend something a little more sturdy to have a bit more luck. This kite is one of our favorites and it flies pretty well (certainly better than the cheap kites), and it’s really not too expensive. If you’re looking for a solid but not too expensive option, then we’d highly recommend this kite.

Regardless of how the kite flying goes, get out there and enjoy the time with your kids. They’ll have a blast if you are, and if you get the kite up then they’ll enjoy it even more.


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